What is the background/history of this proposed development?

A timeline of activities related to this proposed development, up to present day, is as follows:

  • January 2018: An application was received to rezone the subject lands from “Urban Residential Type 1 (R1-B)” to “Urban Residential Type 4 (R4)” to permit the development of 74 multi-residential dwelling units, including 50 townhouse units and 24 four-plex units. The Draft Plan of Subdivision application was being reviewed concurrently. The Notice of complete Application letter dated January 10, 2018 was circulated to neighbours within 120 metres of the subject land.
  • May 2019: The applicant appealed to Ontario Land Tribunal (formally called LPAT) for non-decision;
  • June 2019: A Tree Removal application is filed to Norfolk County By-Law Appeal Committee; the Committee deferred the application pending the Ontario Land Tribunal decision.
  • February 2020: The Ontario Land Tribunal provided a decision in favor of the applicant. The Draft Plan of Subdivision is approved with conditions.
  • April 2020: The Applicant applied for a Site Plan Application under Subsection 41(2) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P.13 and Norfolk County Site Plan By-Law 2014-97. The application proposed a reduced number of townhouses from 50 to 43 in addition to 24 four-plex units. The Site Plan Application was reviewed and approved by the delegated authority as per Subsection 41(13 b) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990. Please note that a Site Plan Application does not go through a public consultation process, unlike a Draft Plan of Subdivision application.
  • July 2021: The tree removal application to the Appeal Committee was presented, reviewed, and approved. The Committee issued its decision on July 23, 2021, and a tree removal permit was subsequently issued to the applicant.
What are the next steps related to this development? When will construction begin?

The applicant is currently in the process of satisfying the conditions of the approved Draft Plan of Subdivision and Site Plan application. A site Plan Agreement is also in the process to confirm that the construction is implemented as per Norfolk County standards and fulfills the recommendations of approved reports and drawings.

Once all conditions are satisfied and the site plan agreement is complete/registered on title, the applicant can apply for a building permit.

Construction activity is dependent on the applicant satisfying conditions, registering the site plan agreement and successfully obtaining a building permit.

How many stories tall is this development? Does it comply with Norfolk by-laws/appropriate legislation?

All of the buildings within the proposed development, including four-plex units, will be two storeys. The building height complies with Norfolk County by-laws and other relevant standards.

Was a traffic control study conducted? How will this development impact traffic locally?

As per the Traffic Impact Study prepared by Dillon Consultant in December 2018, the proposed development is estimated to generate 29 new trips during the weekday AM peak hour, and 35 new trips during the weekday PM peak hour.

The peak hour traffic operations analysis found that all intersection movements were operating well below capacity, with low delays. Peak hour traffic operations analyses found that the proposed development will not have a significant impact on traffic operations at study intersections. Please note that the traffic study considered the proposed buildings to be two to three storeys, but in the actual proposal and site plan, all buildings are two storeys.

What impact will this development have on emergency response times?

A fire or some other major response would likely involve blocking the entire roadway, thereby preventing anyone located further into a dead-end roadway from exiting.

If another emergency response was required further into any dead-end roadway, the situation would be mitigated by the response crews depending on the emergency. The emergency crews from the first emergency may be re-deployed to deal with the second or emergency vehicles and equipment may be temporarily moved to allow secondary crews through.

This procedure would be the same for any cul-de-sac or other dead-end roadway in the County.

The emergency response focus in this circumstance would be that fire access routes are built and maintained as required in the Ontario Building Code for both private roadways at the end of Fernwood Drive so that emergency access can be made when required.

What is the timeline for tree removal? Are there any concerns related to the number of trees/species being removed?
A tree removal permit must first be obtained by the applicant in advance of tree-cutting or woodland clearing activities as per Norfolk County Forest Conservation By-law (By-law 2006-170).

A tree removal permit was issued by Norfolk County following By-law Appeals.

Tree removal activities will occur between September 2021 and March 2022, as per recommendations from the Environmental Impact Study and conditions of the permit.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions/concerns?

For questions regarding the Bremont home project design, please contact [email protected]

For questions with the forestry by-law, please contact [email protected]