Resident Care
Residents’ Bill of Rights
The Residents’ Bill of Rights is a provincial document that explains the rights of Residents and responsibilities of the home to respect, promote and support these rights. This document is posted in the home and a copy is provided to each Resident upon admission.
Nutritional Care
The overall meal service is supervised by qualified food service supervisors. Three nutritious meals, with choices, are provided daily to Residents. Nourishments and snacks are provided mid-morning, mid-afternoon and at bedtime. Diets are ordered by either the Dietitian or the physician. Residents are consulted about food likes and dislikes and assessed regularly for overall nutritional status.
Nursing and Personal Care
Nursing and personal care is provided on a 24-hour basis by a staff of Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses, Personal Support Workers and Health Care Aides, under the supervision of the Director of Nursing and Resident Care Coordinators.
Residents and families are encouraged to actively participate in the care planning process.
Medical Care
The medical care of Residents is overseen by the Medical Director. Upon admission, Residents will fall under the care of the Home Physician or any physician who has applied for and received privileges at the home. The physician is required to make regular visits to the Resident at the home in compliance with Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care standards and relevant legislation.
Housekeeping Services
The home employs a team of staff responsible for the day-to-day cleaning of both Resident and home areas.
Laundry Services
Norview Lodge launders both Resident and home laundry. Upon admission, the home is responsible for labelling all of the Resident’s belongings. There are bins available in each shared home area for ongoing labelling requirements. The home charges a monthly fee for ironing and mending services.
Maintenance Services
Facilities Services staff are responsible for the day-to-day operation of the home’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, equipment operation and maintenance and the physical building, including the management of the grounds and snow removal contracts.
All electrical appliances, new or used, coming into the home for use, must first be checked by this staff, eg. radios, televisions, shavers, lamps, etc.