Norview Lodge is a municipally-owned and operated, not for profit, long-term care home of 179 Residents located at 44 Rob Blake Way, Simcoe, Ontario, N3Y 0E3, Canada.

Norview Lodge is located in an area surrounded by trees and wildlife with three landscaped courtyards featuring covered gazebos, a pavilion, a greenhouse, and walking paths.

The home is a two-story building featuring 8 home areas, one of which is a secure area. Each home area provides both basic and private accommodation for either 22 or 23 Residents, a dining room and shared servery, spa, activity room, family room with fireplace, communication centre and medication room. The central area of the home includes a gift shop, public washrooms, meeting rooms, chapel, hair care salon, Physician’s office, the Dwayne Roloson therapy room, Gathering Place with kitchenette, and main kitchen.

If you have any further questions please contact Norview Lodge at 519-426-0902.

Resident Information Booklet – COVID19 edition – November 26 2024

Norview Strong Video


We continue to take our direction from the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Long-Term Care and our Local Public Health unit regarding, COVID-19.

All visitors to the home are required to follow public health measures (e.g. passive screening, hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette) for the duration of their visit in the home

Passive Screening and Sign in:

Visitors to the home will enter and exit via the main entrance and passively screen using the signage in the vestibule and perform hand hygiene prior to entry.

Passive screening (i.e., self-screening) will be required by the visitor to read the screening questions located in the vestibule.

  • Once the visitor has passed screening they may enter the building using the key code provided at the entrance.

Visitors will then be required to sign in using the visitor log book and enter the date, time in, name, phone number and the name of the Resident they are visiting.

  • The Visitor log can be used for contact tracing and is retained for 30 days.

The visitor may then proceed to the Resident’s room.

Visitors who fail passive screening should not enter the home when ill and should leave the home immediately and follow Public Health guidance.

Masking for Caregivers and Visitors

  • Masking is recommended but not mandatory.
  • In outbreak situations, or if a Resident is on Additional Precautions, all individuals are required to comply with masking and other personal protective equipment.
  • Visitors who prefer to wear a mask beyond minimum requirements may continue to do so. Masks will continue to be provided.
  • POA or Substitute decision makers, may request that a staff member wear a mask when providing care in alignment with the Residents’ Bill of Rights, including the right to participate fully in making any decisions concerning any aspect of their care.

COVID-19 Positive Visitors and/or Visitors with symptoms compatible with COVID-19:

Visitors should continue to avoid visiting a long term care home for 10 days after symptom onset or positive test result.

  • Where visits cannot be avoided and where the visitor is essential to the Residents overall health and well-being (eg. Essential visits) The visitor is able to visit the home within the 10-day timeframe if asymptomatic or symptoms have resolved but they must follow measures to reduce the risk of transmission for 10 days from their symptom onset/positive test.

Essential Caregiver :

An essential caregiver will be a family member/friend/paid caregiver who can demonstrate that they provide direct care to the Resident (i.e. feeding, bathing, exercise, emotional support, cognitive stimulation etc.).

  • Caregivers are permitted 7 days a week.
  • No limit on time and are not required to schedule a visit.
  • There is no limit on how many Caregivers can visit a symptomatic Resident on isolation or during an outbreak although appropriate PPE must be worn in these circumstances.
  • Caregivers can attend a Resident in the dining room to assist with meal service, join the Resident for dining and share a meal or beverage in communal areas.

If you wish to be considered as an essential caregiver, please contact Supervisor, Education, Training, and IPAC Back-Up.

Essential Visitors/Visitors for imminently palliative Residents:

  • If the visitor fails screening, they must be permitted entry, but they must wear a medical mask and maintain physical distance from other Residents and staff.
    • Measures to reduce transmission:
      • Visitors should wear a medical mask
      • Maintain physical distancing to other Residents and staff
      • Should notify the home of their recent illness/positive test.
      • It is recommended during this visit; the Resident also wear a mask (exception to Residents and end of life circumstances)
  • There is no limit on the number of essential visitors allowed to come into the home at one time.
  • Essential Visitors must only visit the one Resident they are intending to visit.
  • Essential visitors younger than 14 years of age must be accompanied by an adult and must follow all applicable public health measures that are in place in the home.

General Visitors:

Visiting to provide non-essential services related to either the operations of the home or particular Resident or Resident group. General visitors include those persons visiting for social reasons.

General visitors younger than 12 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (someone 18 yrs. of age or older) and must follow all applicable public health measures that are in place in the home.

  • General visitors can attend a Resident in the dining room to assist with meal service, join the Resident for dining and share a meal or beverage in communal areas.
  • General visitors should postpone non-essential visits to Resident’s who are symptomatic and/or self-isolating or when the home is in outbreak.

If you have any questions please call Norview Lodge at 519-426-0902.

If you are interested in bringing in your pet for a Pet Visit, please contact Reception at extension 4221 for more information

Lilies at Norview

Please be advised that Norview Lodge is a Lily-free building due to severe allergies. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Bill Nolan, Administrator at 519-426-0902 ext. 4224 or email at [email protected].

Mission Statement

Mission Vision And Goal Of Norview Lodge 2022