Norfolk County Paramedic Services provides pre-hospital advanced medical and trauma care as well as the transportation of patients from emergency incidents to appropriate healthcare facilities. 


We provide services based on the individual’s needs with respect for human dignity within our defined areas and to the best of our ability and training.



Administration Headquarters

183 Main Street
Delhi, Ontario
N4B 2M3
Phone: 519-426-5870 or 226-NORFOLK
Fax: 519-426-1316

Base 1 — Simcoe. 95 Culver Street.
This base has the capacity to house three ambulances —ambulance manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A second ambulance is crewed 8 hours a day Monday to Friday.
Base 2 — Port Dover. 309 St. Patrick Street.
This base is located next to the Port Dover Fire Hall. This location houses two ambulances, one crewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Base 3 — Waterford. 294 Main Street S.
This base is a shared facility, located in the Waterford Fire Hall. This location houses one ambulance crewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Base 5 — Delhi. 789 James St.
This location houses one ambulance crewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Base 6 — Port Rowan. 1417 Hwy 59.
This location houses two ambulances, one crewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Base 7 — Langton. 18 Queen Street.
This base is connected to the Langton Fire Hall but has separate ambulance quarters. This location houses one ambulance crewed 24 hours a day seven days a week.

  • To be available on a 24-hour basis to respond with optimum speed and efficiency to all medical emergencies. This includes service reaction times for onsite personnel for all Code 4’s (T2-T3) of 2 minutes or less
  • To provide emergency patient care to the public we serve. Emergency patient care includes the stabilization and transportation of the acute and critically injured provided with 11 Basic Life Support (BLS) ambulances. Norfolk County has 2 Emergency Response Vehicles (ERV), one Rapid Access Vehicle (RAV) and one Emergency Support Unit (ESU).
  • Norfolk County does not have Advance Life Support (ALS) emergency care.
  Norfolk County Paramedic Services will use its best efforts as set out by law and in response to accepted standards of practice to ensure that all service responsibilities will be delivered in a professional, efficient, courteous and confidential manner.
It is the duty of each employee of Norfolk County Emergency Medical Services to:
  • Serve the ill, injured, general public and fellow employees in a responsible and conscientious manner;
  • Ensure the safety of patients and provide the most appropriate care within training and skills;
  • Respect the rights of patients and ensure patient confidentiality is maintained;
  • Maintain a constant state of readiness to respond to medical emergencies;
  • Conduct business operations in a professional manner avoiding any practice likely to be detrimental or disgraceful to the service of fellow employees;
  • Uphold standards set down by Norfolk County Emergency Medical Services;
  • Provide service in accordance with the Ambulance Act, being guided by the 5 principles of effective Service Delivery; accessible, integrated, seamless, accountable and responsive This requires Norfolk County E.M.S. to have at least one Primary Care Paramedic (PCP) level trained on duty at all times at all bases. Norfolk County currently employs 50 full-time Paramedics, 26 part-time Paramedics, 6 part-time contract positions, and 6 E.M.S. Management staff and 1 full-time Divisional Support Clerk.
  • Norfolk County E.M.S. has a legislated response time, sudden cardiac arrest calls within 6 minutes 50% of the time, for CTAS 1 calls within 8 minutes 50% of the time, for CTAS 2 calls within 13 minutes 85% of the time, for CTAS 3 calls within 13 minutes 85% of the time, for CTAS 4 calls within 20 minutes 90% of the time and for CTAS 5 calls within 30 minutes 90% of the time.
NORFOLK COUNTY E.M.S. provides prompt transportation and initiates pre-hospital care for the patient in both emergency and non-emergency situations. We provide services based on the individual’s needs with respect for human dignity within our defined areas and to the best of our ability and training.
The Ministry of Health pays most of the cost of an ambulance trip for a patient who is injured or very ill. This applies to an air or land ambulance. The patient usually pays $45 of the cost, but there are some exceptions.

The Ministry pays ambulance costs over $45 for:

  • an emergency trip if the attending physician at the hospital signs the ambulance call report after the patient has been admitted.
  • a non-emergency trip if the patient’s doctor states in writing, before the ambulance is used, that the patient’s condition makes an ambulance necessary.
The hospital bills the patient for the $45. When no hospital is involved, the service provider bills the patient. Air ambulances cost $45 for medically necessary trips. If the patient also needs a land ambulance, $45 is charged only once.
The patient must pay $240 for a land ambulance trip when:

  • the trip is not medically necessary or the patient does not have a valid Ontario Health Card or Health 65 Card.
The $240 charge is the average cost of a land ambulance trip in Ontario. The patient is charged the full cost of any air ambulance flight that is not medically necessary or is not covered by a valid Ontario Health Card or Health 65 Card. The patient must also pay $240 for any land ambulance used.
Some people are fully covered for ambulance services if the trip is medically necessary and the patient could not travel by other means (such as family car, taxi or public transit). The $45 charge does not apply to those who are:

  • receiving provincial social assistance (general welfare assistance or family benefits).
  • transferring from one hospital to another for insured, medically necessary treatment.
  • transferring from hospital to a rehabilitation facility, treatment facility for physically disabled children, medical laboratory or X-ray facility approved by the Ministry of Health.
  • enrolled in the Ministry’s Home Care Program.
  • living in one of the following facilities licensed or approved by the Ministry
    • nursing home
    • home for the aged
    • rest home
    • home for special care
    • home or residence for psychiatric patients.
All those listed exceptions must pay $240 if the ambulance trip is not medically necessary and the patient could have travelled by other means (such as family car, taxi or public transit).
Why am I receiving a bill for ambulance service; isn’t the service free?
No. Service is not free, but the majority of your ambulance bill is covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (O.H.I.P.). When transported in a licensed ambulance, Ontario residents receive a bill only for that portion of the bill that is not covered by their health insurance. This fee is normally $45.00.
How much does ambulance service cost?
Normal land ambulance costs are billed at a rate of $240.00, of which all but $45.00 is covered by your Ontario Health Insurance.
I am covered by O.H.I.P. but received a bill for $240.00. Why?
O.H.I.P. insures ambulance transportation only for those trips that are medically essential. The hospital to which you were transported makes the determination as to whether your ambulance trip was medically necessary. If the doctor decides that you could have made your way to the hospital by another means, you will be billed for the full amount of the ambulance bill. This is necessary in order to ensure that the system is not abused and that the service is available to those who really need it.
I am visiting from the United States, or from another country, and am not insured under O.H.I.P. How will I be billed?
Anyone who is not a resident of Ontario, or is not insured under O.H.I.P., will be billed at the full, uninsured rate of $240.00. Some private health insurance carriers and travel insurance carriers may reimburse you for these costs. It is up to you to discuss this with your insurance carrier.
I was visiting from another province when I needed an ambulance service. I do have health insurance under my own province’s scheme. Should I be receiving a bill?
Yes. You will be billed at the uninsured rate of $240.00. It is your responsibility to recover any insured costs from your own provincial health insurance plan.
Will I be billed for transfers from one hospital to another?
There is no charge for this service for insured residents of Ontario. Similarly, there is no charge applied when a patient is transferred to a nursing home, home for the aged, or other designated special care facilities.
I am on Home Care. Does this affect whether I receive a bill?
Yes, in some circumstances. Patients being sent home on Home Care will not receive a bill for service, but subsequent calls for ambulance service which are not ordered by your Doctor will be billed. Whether or not you are responsible for paying these bills should be discussed with Home Care.
When I had my accident, the Paramedics provided first aid care at the scene, but I refused to be taken to the hospital. Is there any charge for this service?
There is no charge for this service. You will, however, be required to sign a form releasing Norfolk EMS and its’ employees from any liability arising from your refusal to go to the hospital.  
id card Norfolk County Paramedic Services is a “health information custodian” for the purposes of the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA). In accordance with PHIPA and the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA), we collect personal health information (PHI) about you directly from you or the person acting on your behalf. The personal health information that we collect may be in various forms and may include, for example, your name, date of birth, address, health history, and the care you received from NCPS paramedics. Personal health information is collected, from other sources, only with your consent or directed by legislation or legal requirements.

How is my Personal Health Information Used and Disclosed?

We use and disclose your personal health information to:

  • Treat and care for you
  • Conduct quality activities
  • Plan, administer and evaluate programs or services
  • Compile statistics
  • Comply with legal and regulatory requirements
  • Notify you of an appointment or change to an appointment
  • Fulfil other purposes permitted or required by law
  • Conduct client satisfaction surveys
  • Facilitate the federal and provincial government goals of providing Canadians with electronic health records.

What are my rights as a client?

You may withdraw your consent for the following uses:
  • Client satisfaction surveys
  • Some federal/provincial electronic health records systems
  • The disclosure of your personal health information to other health care providers who provide health services
  • Voluntary health programs
You may access and correct your personal health records.  Please contact the Norfolk County Supervisor, Information and Privacy for more information on accessing, correcting or withdrawing your consent.
How we protect your personal health information
  • We take steps to protect your personal health information from theft, loss and unauthorized access, copying, modification, use and disclosure.  All personal information records, paper or electronic, are stored, archived and/or destroyed according to the Norfolk County Records Retention Bylaw 2020-90. All documents are stored in locked cabinets, vehicles and offices.
  • We conduct audits and complete investigations to monitor and manage our privacy compliance
  • We take steps to ensure that everyone who performs services for us, protects your privacy and only uses your personal health information for the purposes to which you have consented.

Who do I contact for more information about my rights as a client? For more information about PHS’ privacy practices or to raise a concern you have with your practices, please contact:
Teresa Olsen, County Clerk 226-NORFOLK or 519-426-5870 Ext. 1228 Email: [email protected]

You have the right to contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner/Ontario if you think we have violated your rights. The Commissioner can be reached at:
Information and Privacy Commissioner 2 Bloor Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto, ON, M4W 1A8 Phone: 416-326-3333 or 1-800-387-0073
paramedic Requirements

In Ontario, any person who would like to become a paramedic must attend a recognized college or university paramedic program. All accredited college and university Primary Care Paramedic programs are 2 years in length.

Generally, colleges require the following prior to the start of their program:

  • Current Standard First Aid (or equivalent) certificate
  • Current CPR (C) - Basic Rescuer level (or equivalent) certificate
  • Senior Biology high school course (grade 11 or higher)
  • Senior Science high school course (other than biology)
  • High School graduation diploma
  • Class 'F' Drivers License - Ontario
  • Current Immunizations
  • Be communicable disease-free
  • Be physically fit & able to lift
  • Possess good communication skills & be able to fluently read & write English (French is also required for francophone programs)
  • Be at least 18 years old prior to beginning preceptorship (on-the-job) training

ambulance Medical, Vision and Hearing "Class F" Drivers License Requirements

Medical, Vision and Hearing requirements are determined by: The "Class F" (Ambulance) Drivers license medical must be repeated as follows:
  • every 5 years, under age 46
  • every 3 years, age 46-64
  • every year, age 65 and over

stethoscope Medical Requirements

Medical Requirements are set out by the Ontario Ministry of Health

Physical Requirements

Physical requirements should follow best-practice guidelines as established by researchers at Wilfred Laurier University.