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“Born out of a memorable camping trip, this is a MacGyver recipe. This refreshing
vodka cocktail features fresh seasonal fruits and is topped with a great, slightly
effervescent wine,” says Brauch. “Cocktails are all about invention, and vodka is a
great base. So, be adventurous and have fun.”
2 oz Silver Lake Vodka
Handful of fresh seasonal fruit of your choice:
strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries
1/4 oz Fresh lemon juice
1/4 oz. Simple syrup
White Wine
In a cocktail shaker glass, muddle fruit with lemon juice and simple syrup.
Add Silver Lake Vodka, pour all over ice, shake vigorously, strain into chilled Collins
glass (long, tall, slim) filled with ice, and top with wine.
Garnish generously with fresh mint sprigs.
Fruits of My Labour
Recipe by:
Kevin Brauch
Appearing in October 2012
at Eat & Drink at Flavourfest
Norfolk County Fair and Horse Show