
Facebook is a social networking platform which allows users to share news and information, photos, video, and also allows public and private communication between its users.

With the exception of private messages exchanged between users, all messages (or ‘wall posts’) are public and visible to all for review, comment and sharing.


Norfolk County updates and monitors its Facebook pages during office hours, 8:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. Facebook may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to Facebook downtime.

‘Liking’ pages

Norfolk County does not automatically ‘like’ organizations or individuals who like it.

The County may ‘like’ relevant organizations including government agencies, organizations in the Health sector and other parties where there is a clear link in communicating and receiving information. Being ‘liked’ by the department does not imply endorsement of any kind.


Norfolk County does not capture or record the contact details of parties following its Facebook accounts. Any information identified or deemed confidential or private is treated in accordance with Norfolk County’s Policy and Facebook’s Privacy Policy.

Replies to comments and messages

Norfolk County welcomes feedback and ideas from its followers.

Each account reads all comments and private messages and ensures that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are forwarded to the relevant people in the department.

Where the department is not able to reply individually to messages/comments received via Facebook and where common topics and requests exist, Norfolk County may issue a general notification to all parties. The usual ways of contacting the department for official correspondence are detailed in the Contact Us section of the Norfolk County website.

Posting and Comment Policy

Norfolk County reserves the right to remove inappropriate posts and comments from its wall. Inappropriate posts and comments can consist of spam, vulgar language, solicitations and other inappropriate content as decided by Norfolk County. In the case that an inappropriate comment is made, Norfolk County will remove the post and send a message to the user with an explanation of why their post was inappropriate. If the user continues to post inappropriate material, Norfolk County reserves the right to ban the user from the corresponding page.