Pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, C.P.13, concerning an amendment to the County Zoning By-Law 1-Z-2014 regarding amendments to update the Norfolk County By-Law.
Date: December 3, 2024, Files 28TPL2024308/ZNPL2024307 are CANCELLED and RESCHEDULED TO: January 7, 2025, at 3:00 p.m.
Place: Council Chambers, Norfolk Administration Building, 50 Colborne St S, Simcoe (Talbot St Entrance)
Location of Lands Affected: WOODHOUSE CON 5 PT LOTS 2, AND 3 RP 37R10090 PART 2 PT, PART 1, Roll # 3310401015387150000 (Woodway Trails Phase 3)
Purpose and Effect:
An application has been received for a Draft Plan of Subdivision to construct a total of 356 dwellings comprised of 140 single detached dwellings, 196 street townhouse units and 20 semi-detached dwellings with 3 proposed Condo Blocks. A Zoning By-law amendment is also required to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the zoning on the subject lands from Development Zone to various Urban Residential Zonings (R1-B, R2, R4, and R6). Special Provisions are required for building setbacks and other lot provisions (minimum lot frontage, minimum exterior side yard setback).
This notice is intended to make you aware of the proposed application and to invite your comments and questions. Written submissions will become part of the public record. The Planning Report regarding the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment is available online the Friday prior to the above noted Public Hearing Committee Meeting by clicking here and selecting Agendas, Public Meeting and select the date of the meeting.
Accessible formats and communications supports are available upon request, please notify the Planner in advance of the meeting.
Additional information regarding the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment is available to the public for inspection at the Planning Department, Norfolk County, 12 Gilbertson Drive, Simcoe, ON between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday or by calling 519-426-5870 extension 8046 or emailing fabian.serra@norfolkcounty