NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING concerning an amendment to the Norfolk County Community Improvement Plan programs as part of a plan, area and policies established pursuant to the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, C.P.13.

Date: January 7, 2025
Place: Council Chambers, Norfolk Administration Building,
50 Colborne Street South, Simcoe (Talbot Street Entrance)
Location of Lands Affected: All Lands Within Norfolk County (no key map provided)

Purpose and Effect

A Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is a tool under section 28 of the Planning Act used to stimulate private sector investment through grants, loans and rebates to achieve community Norfolk County’s CIP was established in 2007 and subsequently updated in 2015. The Norfolk County existing CIP applies county-wide and specific incentives are limited to specific areas of Norfolk County (i.e. urban area, agricultural area, hamlet area, lakeshore area). The existing Norfolk County CIP consists of nine (9) incentive programs, divided into three categories: studies/pre-development, building/property improvement, tax incentives.

A CIP Review study was conducted, including public open house and feedback. No amendments to the existing CIP policies within the Norfolk Official Plan or the CIP area are proposed. The specific programs of the plan are proposed to be updated, along with the goals and objectives, new incentive programs are proposed to encourage new housing types and levels of affordability, brownfield tax increment grant, update eligibility requirements and other procedural changes and process improvements.

This notice is intended to make you aware of the proposed changes. The report regarding this will be available through the Public Hearing Committee Meeting agenda prior to the meeting by following the path and selecting Agendas, Public Meeting and select the date of the meeting: Accessible formats are available upon request. Additional information is at: Any written submissions will become part of the public record.

Notice Dated: December 11, 2024