Norfolk County’s Online Municipal Records Archive
The Norfolk County’s Online Municipal Records Archive provides the public with access to records of Norfolk County’s council, boards and commissions, and by-laws. All digitalized records of the same type from the former municipalities are also available in the archive. The archive contains over 8000 documents and is fully text-searchable.
Norfolk County’s Online Records Archive
Searching the Norfolk County’s Online Records Archive
There are three ways to search the archive. All methods sort the results by relevance.
- The first option will search the entire library. Open the link to the Norfolk County’s Online Records Archive; the search bar is at the top middle of the page. Type in the keyword/words you wish to search and click search or press enter. This will return every document including the keyword in the entire library.
- The second option allows you to quickly limit the search to by-laws, council records, agendas, and minutes. Select the plus or expand icon next to the search button in the left panel. Select saved public searches. Double click the quick search required for the search. A search bar will appear; type in the keyword/words you wish to search and click search or press enter. The results will only include the document type of the saved search. For example, using the council minute’s quick search will only return minutes as results.
- Finally, the third away to search is by folder. To do this, you must right click the folder in the left side panel and select search. A search bar will appear; type in the keyword/words you wish to search and click search or press enter. This search will be limited to the folder selected. Multiword searches may result in an error depending on the scope of the search. For phrases or coupled words, use quotation marks to avoid an error. For example, instead of Norfolk County use “Norfolk County.”
Searching PDF Documents
All documents within the Norfolk County’s Online Records Archive are PDF documents. You can conduct text searches within the documents once they are opened. To do this, either click Crtl and F or click edit on the top toolbar. This will bring up the search bar. Enter the term to search and click enter. This will take you to the word in the document. Click next or previous navigate results.