Year of the Garden Events Form (click to expand)

Year of the Garden Events

Do you have a garden-related event you'd like to promote? Tell us about it!

Event Address
A short description explaining the event
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If your event is ongoing, please leave this section blank and describe in the 'event details', above.
Event Time
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 32 MB.
Share your event details
Would you like your event details shared with partner sites, for additional exposure?
Can Norfolk County add your garden event or showcase to the “Visit Norfolk mobile app” and the Norfolk County “Year of the Garden Map” (in addition to other promotions)?
Can Norfolk County add your garden event or showcase to the “Visit Norfolk mobile app” and the Norfolk County “Year of the Garden Map” (in addition to other promotions)?



Year of the Garden Video promotion