Access a grant of up to $5000 for projects that support the agriculture industry in Norfolk County with solutions that increase/improve access to markets and channels, address labour-related challenges, or which help farmers diversify and/or grow revenue streams.

Each project should be able to help advance at least one of the following outcomes:

  • Strengthen local small and medium farm businesses (revenue increases, revenue/market diversification, channel development, cost reductions, knowledge and expertise, etc)
  • Increase knowledge of, and access to, various supportive and enabling technologies.
  • Provide solutions to labour-related challenges
  • Support for new product development

When developing a project proposal, we encourage your organizations to connect with farmers and other agriculture industry stakeholders in Norfolk to brainstorm ideas and propose new, innovative, exciting initiatives.  Some examples of projects might include:

  • Education, training, farm rotation or other programs that enable and promote more locals to pursue employment in agriculture.
  • Projects that support the Seasonal Agriculture Workers in Norfolk County.
  • Strategies or programs that support diversification of markets and/or revenue streams for local farmers. For example, increase agri-tourism opportunities, local food opportunities and niche markets.
  • Technologies and/or strategies that encourage and enable collaboration and resource sharing within the agriculture community.
  • Marketing efforts, strategies, or technologies focused on recruitment of agriculture-related labour.
  • Enhanced e-business, marketing, or staff training for farmers’ markets and other not-for-profit channels that can be accessed by local farmers.
  • Enhancing/updating farmers’ markets websites (e.g adding seasonal product availability, a farmers’ market guide, time listings, etc to the websites).
  • Engage experts in the area of farm diversification to provide workshops and mentorship to farmers looking to diversify.

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